Professional Staff Recruitment

As part of it organization development strategy, ECREEE is currently recruiting qualified candidates to support in achievement of its mandate. Interested candidates are hereby requested to apply for the following professional position. 

To apply for any position, candidates should download the JOB APPLICATION FORM, fill it and send it as an email attachment to together with their CV. No certificate should be attached. Application deadline is 15 of May 2016.
Furthermore, candidates should contact Tel. No. +234 902 094 6554 for further information or clarification if needed.

Dans le cadre du processus de renouvellement et de renforcement des capacités, la CEDEAO est engagée dans la mise en œuvre de programmes stratégiques et souhaite recruter des personnes qualifiées et compétentes pour occuper les postes vacants.
Pour postuler, les candidats devraient télécharger le formulaire de demande d’emploi (JOB APPLICATION FORM), le remplir et l’envoyer comme pièce jointe de courriel à avec leur CV. Date limite d'Application est 15 de mai 2016.
En outre, les candidats pourront contacter appeler au besoin le +234 902 094 6554 pour de plus amples renseignements ou des éclaircissements si nécessaires.

Como parte deste processo de transformação, a CEDEAO está preocupada com a implementação de programas importantes e estratégicos e deseja recrutar indivíduos qualificados e capazes para os seguintes cargos profissionais e da categoria de serviços gerais.
Para se candidatar, os candidatos deverão baixar o formulário de inscrição (JOB APPLICATION FORM), preenchê-lo e enviá-lo como anexo via e-mail para com o seu CV. Prazo final de candidatura é 15 de maio de 2016.
Além disso, os candidatos devem contactar Tel. Não. +234 902 094 6554 para mais informações ou esclarecimentos, se necessário.


  1.   PO communication and capacity building (P2)

  2.   PO energy efficiency

  3.   PO project development officer

  4.   PO renewable energy

  5.   PO energy efficiency (policies and regulations specialist)

  6.   PO accountant

  7.   PO admin officer

  8.   PO communication and capacity building

  9.   PO energy efficiency (policies and regulations specialist, P3)

  10. PO Information Technology

  11. PO project development specialist

  12. PO renewable energy

  13. PO renewable energy (policies and regulations specialist

  14. PO resource mobilization specialist

  15. Principal Officer, Head of Admin and Finance

  16. PPO Energy Efficiency

  17. PPO ICT

  18. PPO project development and fund mobilization

  19. PPO renewable energy


Job expired