Green People’s Energy for Africa's Small Projects Fund

The Green People’s Energy for Africa's Small Projects Fund offers financial support to initiatives led by non-profit organisations in the field of decentralised renewable energy. The Fund can enable small projects and contribute to realising project ideas located in sub-Saharan Africa that contribute to sustainable development. The Fund is looking for concrete solutions based on an identified local need. The expected impact and likely success of the proposed solutions to overcome social, ecological and/or economic challenges in the energy sector will be analysed by an assessment committee. A specific focus is sustainability meaning benefits pursued in the framework of the project’s timeframe shall continue beyond implementation. Additional thematic priorities are on training, productive uses of energy, electrification of social infrastructure and partnerships.

The Fund prioritises electricity-based solutions from within the nine focal countries of the initiative: Ethiopia, Benin, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda, and Zambia. In addition to the focus countries, projects can also be funded in countries with a GIZ country office and energy program in place. This includes Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Togo.

The steering committee is expected to convene on the following dates:

1. July 2021
1. October 2021
1. December 2021

Your project will be considered if it is complete and submitted not later than four weeks prior to one of the above dates.

Further details

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