The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the Operational Unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). In 2014, SIDS DOCK (represented by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre), the Government of Austria and UNIDO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the establishment of a network of regional sustainable energy centres for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Africa. As a follow-up, SIDS DOCK, UNIDO and the CARICOM Energy Unit executed a consultative preparatory process to determine the technical and institutional design of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE). The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) will support CCREEE with the assignment of a technical assistant to CCREEE's secretariat in Barbados.


  • Support and advice the CCREEE´s Interim Director on the organizational development of the centre and its strategic positioning in the regional and international sustainable energy markets of the Centre;
  • Assist the Director in consolidating the internal rules and procedures of the Centre to qualify for direct funding from major financiers by the end of the first operational phase (e.g. EU, GCF).
  • Participate and support to prepare key meetings at the CCREEE Secretariat, the CARICOM region or international level upon request of the Interim Director;
  • Deliver key contributions to strengthen the Governance Structure of the Centre and contribute to the organization of the Technical Committee and Executive Board Meetings;
  • Contribute to the strengthening of the network of National Focal Institutions (NFI´s) and Thematic Hubs (TH) of CCREEE and contribute to the organization of the coordination meetings;
  • Coordinate closely and in strong partnership with other national and international experts working for the Centre, and contribute to good teamwork with other CCREEE experts;
  • Seek good relations and facilitate a common CCREEE approach with the core partners and supporters of the center (e.g. UNIDO, Austrian Development Agency ADA, GIZ, AECID, EU, IADB, SEA);
  • Contribute to particularly but not exclusively to the establishment of the energy efficiency programme portfolio of the Centre in close cooperation with the local program managers and other seconded experts; coordinate closely with other key national, regional and international key partners;
  • Provide technical and organisational inputs for the CCREEE Business Plan, annual work plans and status reports;
  • Supervise the execution of SE activities/projects as agreed in the annual work plan of CCREEE and assigned by the Interim Director; contribute to the mainstreaming of EE aspects into RE programs and projects;
  • Supervise and provide support for the implementation and execution of the EU-funded programme TAPSEC (Technical Assistance Program for Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean) in close coordination with the EUD, GIZ and the TAPSEC management; coordinate closely with other relevant partners (e.g. IADB).
  • Sensitize the National Focal Institutions (NFIs) and Thematic Hubs (THs) on EE issues and coordinate common activities;


  • At least a university degree in engineering or social science with a strong focus on sustainable energy at Masters or higher levels
  • Demonstrate sound technical and general knowledge and work experience on sustainable energy systems incl. energy efficiency issues and tools, ranging from buildings, appliances, lighting, generation, transport and distribution to energy management in industry and SMEs
  • Good knowledge of the RE&EE sector in the CARICOM region is desired;
  • Work experience in the Caribbean is a strong added value;
  • Proven track record of developed, supervised, managed and coordinated SE-projects and activities on technical and/or policy level;
  • Demonstrated understanding of gender equality/women's empowerment, energy and development;
  • Ability to work under pressure and handle politically and culturally sensitive issues;
  • Good analytical writing, communication skills and experience in the diplomatic field;
  • Languages: Proficiency in English; knowledge of Spanish and German is an added value.

Duration: 2 years

Starting date: 2018-03-01

Minimum salary/year: EUR 85.396,72

Please submit your application to  by 15 December 2017, indicating "CCREEE Coordinator" in the subject and include your CV in English, a motivation letter, name, contacts and working relationship of 3 references (at least one referee your direct supervisor).

Job expired